Terrance Corcoran has another excellent article today discussing the emergence of "climatism" and the imposition of a stasist green state. He notes that:
- Formal state corporatism is unmarketable as a political model, but green industrial statism looks like a winner.
The hype leading up to the Copenhagen debacle is beginning to ramp up. The trouble for warmists is that not only have they lost the general public's attention, they now have lost most politician's. Climatism signals the end of AGW as a real concern: it has done its job and fixed climate into the political lexicon as a dominant motive for government intervention, regulation and sibsidy. The Copenhagen conference will say very little new nor incisive about actual climate mitigation or adaptation. Rather, it will lay the justification for social engineering in economic policy, energy and resource management, all on the axiomatic imperative of a change in climate that is neither unprecedented nor alarming.
AGW is best thought of as a great global swindle based on inconvienient truths wherein real climate data have failed their climate audit. This leads to climate resistance by climate realists, who demand debate about junk science that is not evil, just wrong and fails to address the question, watts up with that?